Friday, January 29, 2010

Physical science window pane terms for Wednesday


Window pane terms for physical science- second list- chapter 1
(I’m reducing the amount you have to do to 15, I think the vocabulary is a little less intense in physical science than it is in Biology, so this is a permanent reduction to 15 terms a week).
*****remember to simplify the definitions- the examples are for your benefit, you are not expected to include them on the notecards.--- HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND AND “ LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW, LET IT SNOW”
1. standard- the exact amount people use to compare measurements.
2. SI units- these are the base units or standards used to measure different types of substances. (SI literally stands for Le Systeme Internationale d’Unites that’s French for international system of units). Ex. Meter, Gram, Liter, Second, Kelvin
3. Converting- when you change the units you have measured or obtained into different units, ex. Going from grams to kilograms.
4. Volume- the amount of space occupied by an object .
5. Mass- a measurement of the amount of matter in an object.
6. Density- is the mass of an object within a given space (volume). Explanation: a feather pillow in a normal pillow case is less dense than the same pillow that has been vacuum sealed in a plastic bag simply because it takes up less space but has the same mass! Sit with that one for a while!!!
7. Celsius scale- measures temperature using O degrees as the Freezing point of water and 100 degrees as the boiling point of water, your normal body temp. in Celsius would be 37 degrees.
8. Kelvin- the temperature scale used as the SI unit of measuring temperature. It uses the coldest temperature known as O degrees Kelvin- we call this “absolute zero” (in Celsius it would be -273 degrees , now that’s cold!!!
9. Line graph- a way to visually represent information that shows a change in one variable (dependent variable) as a result of the change of another variable (independent variable).
10. Bar graph- this is used to compare different amounts of items in different situations. We use this a lot when we compare EOC scores at the end of a semester – the different schools would be on one axis and the bars representing the number of students who are proficient would be on the other axis ( the bottom).
11. Circle graph – also known as a pie chart, shows how an overall quantity is broken down into smaller pieces. A home income can be broken down by monthly bills or other expenses.
12. Bias- when someone’s personal experience or feelings affects how data is collected and/or understood.
13. Technology- when science is used to help people.
14. Model- a representation of an idea, event or object that is used to increase a persons understanding of that idea, event or object.
15. Conclusion- after you analyze your data from an experiment you have to make a decision as to whether or not this data supports or disproves your hypothesis- this is your conclusion>

biology window panes for Wednesday

Biology terms:
Window pane terms 2:
1. Photosynthesis- the process of making food (glucose) using sunlight.
2. Autotrophs- organisms that make their own food using photosynthesis.
3. Heterotrophs- organisms that have to consume other organisms to obtain the energy they need to survive.
4. Consumers- organisms that have to eat other organisms
5. Producers- organisms that make food for other organisms
6. Individual- one member (organism) of a particular species.
7. Population- all of the members of a particular species
8. Community- all of the different types of living organisms in a given area
9. Ecosystem- all of the living and non-living things in a given area
10. Omnivore- organism that eats plants and animals for its energy needs
11. Herbivore- organism that only eats plants for its energy needs
12. Carnivore-organism that only eats animals for its energy needs
13. Detritivore- organism that eats dead things for its energy needs
14. Decomposer- organism that breaks organic matter down into its basic elements.
15. Biomass- the weight of organic matter in a given area.
16. Abiotic factors- non-living things that exist and play a role in an organism's environment.
17. Biotic factors- living things in the environment
18. Symbiosis- a close relationship between two organisms
19. Limiting factors- anything that contributes to the survival and reproduction of an organism, therefore if there is not enough of it, the population will decrease. (water, food, habitat are examples)
20. Carrying capacity- the maximum amount of organisms that can live in an area. (note: this is usually determined by the limiting factors in an environment)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Biology & Physical science first word list- due Friday

1.Observation- when we notice something about the world around us using any of our senses
2.Inference-making a judgement about a situation or an event based on our previous knowledge and experiences.
3.Experiment- a means by which we can prove or disprove a concept, there are many parts to an experiment, all aspects must be documented and repeatable for it to be valid
4.Variables- things that change in an experiment
5.Independent variable- the piece of the experiment that you control and that you are testing
6.Dependent variable- the thing that you are measuring in the experiment, it's the part that will change as a result of what you did with the other variable. the information that you gather from your experiment, it must be orderly and accurate for the experiment to be valid.
8.control group- a group in the experiment that is set up the same way as the group you are testing, only you leave this group alone, this way you will know if the changes in your experiment were a result of your action or just a coincidence.
9.constants- these are the things that you leave the same for all groups in the experiment, all aspects of your experiment must be exactly the same (constant) for each group, otherwise you won't know for sure what caused the changes in your test group. *** you only test one variable at a time.
10. conclusion- after you analyze the data collected from the experiment, you decide whether or not the experiment supported your "hypothesis".

Thursday, January 21, 2010

EOC results for HONORS

RELAX everyone! We only had one re-take and they have already been notified!
C. W. and H.H. are tied for highest score!!
58% of you got a level 4! Well done!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Here is the other link again

Do this to review for the EOC click on the zebra
HEy- if you are trying to cram for the EOC don't forget to look at the other released testing items, go to this site:

also do the regents test prep site.
FYI- your endocrine system (pancreas and spleen) is responsible for making hormones and insulin!

FYI- Gymnosperms reproduce using cones= pine trees
Angiosperms are broken down into two types of flowering plants Monocots (grass- parallel veins) and dicots ( apple tree- netted veins)
Monocots and dicots refers to how many cotyledons grow out of the seed- monocot= one cotyledon, dicot= two cotyledons!

oh- HI Ashley!!