Sunday, December 31, 2017

Window panes due Tuesday the day we return from break

Hey everybody, I hope you've had a great winter break.
Image result for panic face
Here is the window pane list for anyone who may have forgotten it or lost it and  just now remembered you had homework

 window pane list:

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Substitute plan for 12-14 and 12-15

Thank you for coming in Today! Along with the handouts on my desk I have provided additional information in the link below:

Please leave the instructions for tomorrow's substitute if it isn't you. 

Have a great day!!!

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Sub plan for Thursday 12-7-17

NC WILDLIFE- 1st and 2nd Block

Use the link below to complete the table you will be given in class. AFTER the table is complete color the worksheet on wetlands:)

Biology 3rd Block:

Watch "The First Flower"  by following this link:
(it's about an hour)  And answer the questions that go with it.

With any remaining time you can finish your window panes. Remember they are due on Friday!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

Evolution word list and INCLEMENT WEATHER NOTICE

INCLEMENT WEATHER means that you WILL have BIOLOGY HOMEWORK posted on this blog!

If school is cancelled for any reason you will have to check my blog for homework. EXPECT to have your work checked or a quiz the next day. It won't take you longer than a class period to complete the assignment. We do not have any time to waste. The EOC will be here before you know it and you still have a lot to learn!

Window panes due Friday 12-8-17

Evolution word list:

Friday, December 1, 2017

Mason's latest critter

Here's a picture of Mason's latest contribution to our NC Wildlife class:

 It's a Marbled Orb spider

Here's a picture of his last contribution:

The coolest praying mantis I've ever seen! It's Huge!!