Sunday, January 25, 2009
Window panes
Divide an index card into quarters.
place the term your are describing in the middle.
In the top left square describe the term using your own words.
In the top right square use the term in a sentence, a grammatically correct sentence.
In the bottom right square give an illustration of the term, anything you picture when you think of the term. An example would be drawing a ruler or calculator for the term "data". If you are not comfortable with drawing, you can create a multiple choice question for the term.
In the bottom left square give a synonym or antonym for the term. Any word that has a similar ( or opposite) meaning or use as the one you are working on.
Jurassic Park
Jurassic Park instructions:
You must read 40 pages a week.
You must define at least 20 words from the section (40 pages) you are reading. You must hand write the word, list the page and paragraph the word was used, look up the word and then use your own words to tell me what you think the word means ( after reading all of the possible definitions).
Everything is to be handwritten, no cut and paste allowed!
These are due every Tuesday. They do not have to be science words. Any word that you are unsure of you should define. If you don’t think there are any words you don’t know, define words that are higher level or have multiple meanings.
You must also summarize your reading. Every 10 pages you should stop, reflect on what you just read and write 2 sentences that sum up the most important things that were discussed or that occurred.
You should carry your Reading essentials and your Jurassic Park (JP) book with you daily. In this way, if you work faster than your peers, you can use your time more efficiently and complete your reading (when time allows) during class. I will have dictionaries available for you to borrow.
I may make time on Fridays to have a little “book club” where we discuss topics from the book and possibly take a quiz to make sure everyone is keeping up.
Honors info
Guidelines for the Children’s book:
There are roughly 10 big concepts covered in Biology. Your task is to focus in on 6 topics within those big concepts and create a children’s book that simplifies the topic and entertains us. It should be written in a way that a first grader would understand and have illustrations to support the text.
There are many topics that can be covered, You will need to get your topic approved by me each time. I would like to make sure we have a lot of diversity in terms of the content. At the end of the semester we will assimilate a book that contains some of everyone’s work and that covers all of the key Biology topics addressed in class.
Guidelines for the documentary assignment:
These are the Channels to watch in order to complete the assignment: National geographic, Discovery, PBS (NOVA) or ANIMAL PLANET). You don’t need to have cable, PBS has something every week.
You are expected to watch at least one science based documentary a month. A documentary is usually 2hours in length (if on TV) and is not a series.
You will write a 3 sentence summary for every 15 minute interval. The summary should include information about who was involved in the documentary, the main topic of the documentary and where they are (in the world).You will then construct 5 questions in the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and HOW format, providing the answers as you go.
Science Friday write -up: Listen to 90.7 between 3-4 pm on Fridays
Listen to Science Friday once a month. Again you will supply a summary of what was discussed. Simply take notes as you listen. Write down key facts learned, then construct your 5 WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and HOW questions ( with answers).
List the people participating in the program (Just do your best when spelling their names) and the topic of the program.
Spring Semester Biology info
1. Two small notebooks, one for notes and one for you to leave in class for daily warm-ups and cool-downs.
2. Index cards for weekly window pane assignments.
3. Colored pencils and regular pencils. (A small sharpener and a small pair of scissors will come in handy as well).
4. A binder for all of the handouts/ instructions you will receive. ( you will need to keep all of your handouts until the end of the semester, this way your review for Benchmarks and the EOC will be simplified)
The first thing you will need to do when you arrive to class is obtain your notebook and complete you warm-up.
When the bell rings everyone should be in their seats and working on the warm-up. It will count against your participation grade if you are not on task.
A warm-up will be on the board, overhead, or in a handout daily. You will have a limited amount of time to complete the warm-up (5-7 minutes, depending on the length of the assignment); you may use your notes to complete the warm-up.
Warm-ups will go on the left hand side of your notebook; cool-downs will go on the right hand side. If the warm-up or cool-down is a handout you will staple it onto the appropriate page.
Grading scale is as follows:
Participation: 20%
Homework: 20%
Projects/ labs: 20%
Tests: 40 %
AS you can see, most of your grade consists of the work you complete in and out of class not your test grade.
The calendar I handed out is meant to help you remember when big assignments are due, it’s is not a complete list of the work you will be completing. Keep the calendar available so you can add weekly assignments to it as needed.
First word list for first set of window panes:
Independent variable, dependent variable, observation, inference, analysis
Scientific method, organism, abiotic, biotic, stimulus
Biology, ecology, geology, habitat, ecosystem, Stewardship, abiogenesis, symbiosis, organic, deforestation
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year/ EOC links
Biology students, I hope you remembered to complete your 40 window panes! IT's worth A LOT of points.
Physical science students, extra credit is being given for any extra "science notebook" worksheets you do.
EOC's are coming up fast, if you're bored already with all of your new Christmas toys, log on to the ncdpi web site and review those practice EOC questions. The answers are given at the end so you know how right or wrong your were!
for biology click on this:
for physical science click on this:
SEE You Monday!!