Sunday, January 25, 2009

Honors info


Guidelines for the Children’s book:
There are roughly 10 big concepts covered in Biology. Your task is to focus in on 6 topics within those big concepts and create a children’s book that simplifies the topic and entertains us. It should be written in a way that a first grader would understand and have illustrations to support the text.
There are many topics that can be covered, You will need to get your topic approved by me each time. I would like to make sure we have a lot of diversity in terms of the content. At the end of the semester we will assimilate a book that contains some of everyone’s work and that covers all of the key Biology topics addressed in class.

Guidelines for the documentary assignment:
These are the Channels to watch in order to complete the assignment: National geographic, Discovery, PBS (NOVA) or ANIMAL PLANET). You don’t need to have cable, PBS has something every week.
You are expected to watch at least one science based documentary a month. A documentary is usually 2hours in length (if on TV) and is not a series.
You will write a 3 sentence summary for every 15 minute interval. The summary should include information about who was involved in the documentary, the main topic of the documentary and where they are (in the world).You will then construct 5 questions in the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and HOW format, providing the answers as you go.

Science Friday write -up: Listen to 90.7 between 3-4 pm on Fridays
Listen to Science Friday once a month. Again you will supply a summary of what was discussed. Simply take notes as you listen. Write down key facts learned, then construct your 5 WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE and HOW questions ( with answers).
List the people participating in the program (Just do your best when spelling their names) and the topic of the program.