Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Semester, New students

Here are some links you will need to refer to this semester:
Sas in schools link:
LOGIN: spoint (Just put the assignment # in the quick launch box.)
NPR link:
First NPR assignment is "Citizen Science" due 2-4-11. Just listen, take notes (hand written only!), be prepared to answer questions in class (you CAN use your notes!) here is the exact link:
citizen science
just click on the arrow (top left of the page) to listen to the podcast or download it to your mp3 so you can listen any time!

First SAS assignment due on Friday (2-11-11), it's the stream ecology assignment, quick launch # is 870.

Window Panes are due on Wednesday- you only have to do 10 of the 20, but you are expected to know all of the terms for the quiz!

Window panes
Directions for WINDOW PANES:
Divide an index card into quarters.
In the top left square Write the term.
In the top right square give a synonym (example) or antonym for the term. (remember it doesn't have to be a literal synonym! )

For the word OBSERVATION a synonym could be smelling since using any of our senses is a way to make an observation in science.

In the bottom left square describe the term using your own words.

In the bottom right square give an illustration of the term.

An example would be drawing a ruler or calculator for the term "data". If you are not comfortable with drawing, you can create a multiple choice question for the term.
Extra creative cards or doing all terms = extra credit!

Window pane terms due 2-2-11

1. Photosynthesis- the process of making food (glucose) using sunlight.

2. Autotrophs- organisms that make their own food using photosynthesis or chemosynthesis.

3. Heterotrophs- organisms that have to consume other organisms to obtain the energy they need to survive.

4. Consumers- organisms that have to eat other organisms

5. Producers- organisms that make food for other organisms

6. Individual- one member (organism) of a particular species.

7. Population- all of the members of a particular species

8. Community- all of the different types of living organisms in a given area

9. Ecosystem- all of the living and non-living things in a given area

10. Omnivore- organism that eats plants and animals for its energy needs

11. Herbivore- organism that only eats plants for its energy needs

12. Carnivore-organism that only eats animals for its energy needs

13. Detritivore- organism that eats dead things for its energy needs

14. Decomposer- organism that breaks organic matter down into its basic elements.

15. Biomass- the weight of organic matter in a given area.

16. Abiotic factors- non-living things that exist and play a role in an organism's environment.

17. Biotic factors- living things in the environment

18. Symbiosis- a close relationship between two organisms

19. Limiting factors- anything that contributes to the survival and reproduction of an organism, therefore if there is not enough of it, the population will decrease. (water, food, habitat are examples)

20. Carrying capacity- the maximum amount of organisms that can live in an area. (note: this is usually determined by the limiting factors in an environment)