Remember that our water bottles will be available for sell until Tuesday the 27th . They are only $5.00 and the purpose of selling them is to get you to kick your (non-reusable) plastic water bottle habit!!! We also want to raise awareness about NURDLES!
Ask your friends, neighbors and Parents if they want one too!
We are selling the bottles almost exactly at cost, however, if enough people buy them we may have enough change left over to purchase a cool water treatment system for people who don't have access to clean water.
see this site:
Here's the TED talk by the man who designed it!
New Nurdles > plastic bottles, bags, etc > varied Nurdles ( now they look almost identical to plankton, attract pollutants and are killing marine life)
The bottle is stainless steel with this image:
"Nurdles—tiny, pre-manufacture resin pellets about the size of a BB—are transported around the world from petrochemical plants to the thousands of facilities that transform these raw beads into the plastic products we use"
The truth about climate change videos:
2nd video
1st video:
1st video: