Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Honors biology and APES homework


If you were out today for any reason you will need to copy someone's notes for the "Organic Compounds" box we completed in class today (4th block)

Tomorrow you will have a group quiz on the Evolution Box and the Mitosis and Meiosis Box.

Tonight your homework is to go to this site and click to play the video in the main frame of the screen (on evolution)

Project to be assigned: you will be completing a project on specific science topic- if you find one ahead of time (before Friday) and it doesn't duplicate someone else's choice then you get to have some say in what you research.

You need to find a TED talk on a branch of science that you find interesting. The "Talk" must be over 12 minutes. This is how you will choose your topic.  Write down The name of the TED talk and the speaker and bring it to me Friday! If you don't have one chosen already, I will pick one for you.  You will get more information about the project on Friday!

Start Looking:

APES: watch this :)