Today- Pollution mind map is due today, if you don't have it done, complete it for a late grade and get it to me tomorrow.
Review - create white sheet
-this weeks homework: Living On Earth podcast, Poster, articles
Have completed by this Wednesday's class:
Living on Earth (LOE) from October 16th
Articles due Monday (Nov 2nd): look for something on an oil and a nuclear disaster - something written in the past two years that talks about the lasting effects or the recovery of the area where the disaster occurred. The Exxon Valdez spill, BP Horizon spill, Fukushima Daiichi incident, Chernobyl... are good ones to research.
Due this Friday-Poster- one box of white sheet per student- it will be assigned.
Tuesday- take released APES exam- this will be a quiz or classwork grade- it will take the entire class
Wednesday- Living on Earth October 16th quiz! Finish white sheet, start population math
Thursday- oil, gas and nuclear energy covered
Friday- oil, gas and nuclear energy continued
Monday (Nov 2nd)- Share out on your articles- one from an oil disaster, one from a nuclear disaster (you have a 2 year window for these).