Monday, April 18, 2016

APES homework for tonight! plus sub plans for tomorrow

Homework tonight:17 minutes- remember to take notes so you can use them on your test Friday ( Friday test will be on all of the assigned videos)
APES in a box- environmental history
Reminder- test Wednesday on 5 boxes of white sheet- 4 energy plus the water box- the one that starts with water hardness and bod then goes into dead zone formation and water treatment!

AP Environmental Science Class tomorrow (Tuesday)

Watch this and take notes- Pause as needed. Work out the problems as she goes over them!! I've made handouts for you that have the problems on them, the sub should hand them out. Leave your notes/ handouts with the sub! It will take 45 min to an hour (if you have to pause a lot). A student can sit at the computer and pause as needed.

Watch this- take notes- attach these notes to your math notes - or take them on the back of the math papers- make sure they are handed in with the math notes.

Digital waste= frontline-21min