Upcoming Bozeman's:
2/23 Thursday-019 - Mining
2/27 Monday-020 - Fishing
Next Bozeman's are on population:
012 - Population Ecology
013 - Human Population Dynamics
014 - Human Population Size
015 - Human Population Impacts
Great opportunity for all students!
March 23-- the Belmont Optimist Club will hold its annual speech contest.
Students will present a 2- 3 page speech on topic, "What the World Gains from Optimism."
The girl and boy district winners will receive $2500 scholarships.
Interested? Meet after school in the library on Wednesday, March 1 to learn more about the contest.
Link to contest rules: http://www.optimist.org/ Forms/Oratorical_RULES_PAD-E_ 16-17.pdf
Here is a video about 7 secrets of great speakers, with short clips of great speeches: https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=i0a61wFaF8A
Link to speech competition application form if anyone is interested- $2500 scholarship for top boy and girl.