Wednesday, October 30, 2019

APES homework and AP biology homework for tonight

AP Biology:

DNA replication with Eric Lander- be ready for a quiz!
Watch up to the 15 minute mark- we'll tackle the topological problem and replication fidelity tomorrow!  If you have time-just do it all tonight so you don't have to worry about it tomorrow.

AP Environmental Science
Re-write your assigned white sheet box 4 times to help you prepare for Friday's quiz :)
Group Quiz Friday!
 Weekend homework-Chapter 7 of Raising Elijah- Your answers should be AP level- that means well reasoned and detailed. The "why" or "how" for your answer must be included.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

APES and AP biology homework for tonight


Watch this overview of ozone and focus on how it effects plants and animals and how we can minimize its formation

AP biology-
Watch this video by Eric Lander on DNA replication- take good notes so we can talk about it in class
Eric Lander:
Listen and take notes from 32:21 to the end-
I’ll check notes

Monday, October 28, 2019

APES this week and AP Biology this week

AP Environmental science
Here's the link to what's happening this week. Monday has some old links on population stuff if you missed some last week.

AP Biology

Don't forget to communicate with your mentor!! counting trichomes/ choosing crossses
( Purple/ Green with Green/ yellow)  (really hairy with hairless)

week ahead with links

Thursday, October 24, 2019

AP biology homework for this weekend

AP Biology homework due MONDAY

Finish this case study- write out all of your answers on a separate piece of paper

A Family In Need:  Internet-Enhanced Case Study on Cancer Genetics

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

APES homework for tonight, tomorrow and this weekend.

Homework tonight and tomorrow (DUE FRIDAY!) - Read chapter 6 of Raising Elijah and answer the questions in the document linked below:

This weekend:
Listen to the September 27th living on Earth and take notes. Skip the "beyond the headlines part" 
( @ 4 minutes long starts @ 33:30 and ends at 37:20), it's right after the fat bear segment.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

APES homework for tonight AND this weekend

RE-POSTING math link- see if this works for the mastering the math video

Thursday night- complete the math FRQ you were given in class today


Radiolab podcast from tree to shining tree: 35 minutes

Wind power from apes in a box-  2 minutes

passive solar-  8 minutes

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

APES homework for tonight

Fun with math! It' the first video (part 1)

Watch the video (part 1) and go through the first two sample problems with her.
Let her help with the setup and then pause it and try on your own before she shows you the answer.

Here's a handout if you weren't in class today

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

AP biology and AP Environmental science homework for tonight

Watch this on osmosis and answer the questions below:

  1. What is a solute?
  2. What is a solution?
  3. What does semipermeable mean?
  4. What is meant by “net” movement?
  5. What does hypertonic mean?
  6. What does hypotonic mean?
  7. What type of solution should be in an IV solution for people who need added fluids AND why?
  8. Why shouldn’t you put a saltwater fish in a freshwater environment
  9. Through what cells do plants take in water?
  10. What causes turgor pressure?

Questions on google doc if you prefer to print it out.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

AP BIOLOGY homework for tonight

AP Biology

Chi Squared analysis: watch , complete the handout and do the problem he leaves for  you so we can check it in class :)

Monday, October 7, 2019

APES homework for this week AND the weekend

Monday night


tar sands

Tuesday night:
Deepwater horizon  (10 min)

Keystone XL  (7 minutes)

Wednesday night Chapter 5 (skip chapter 4 if you want) of Raising Elijah
Read and answer the following questions 
(chapter 4 is mostly about agriculture- feel free to read it, it will reinforce what we have been talking about but I won't be asking any additional questions on that chapter.)
Chapter 5
  1. What is PVC made up of?
  2. What physical health problems does it cause?
  3. Why is it considered a threat to homeland security?
  4. What is DEHP used for? why is it bad?
  5. Where does Ethylene come from?
  6. What problems does vinyl chloride cause?
  7. The author spends some time talking about the events at Formosa, 
What were some of the frustrations she faced when trying 
to determine the risks involved with the explosion?
  1. How many train cars full of hazardous materials
 travel along US railways?
9.-13.What are her 5 complaints about the “individualized approach” 
to dealing with this PVC problem?

THIS Weekend:
Listen to this entire podcast and take notes
AND - RE- Write your white sheet twice :)

Thursday, October 3, 2019

APES homework for tonight

Listen/ watch the following media- take notes- come prepared to discuss :)
LOE- Fukushima 8 minutes

OIL - APES in a box