Monday night
tar sands
Tuesday night:
Deepwater horizon (10 min)
Keystone XL (7 minutes)
Wednesday night Chapter 5 (skip chapter 4 if you want) of Raising Elijah
Read and answer the following questions
(chapter 4 is mostly about agriculture- feel free to read it, it will reinforce what we have been talking about but I won't be asking any additional questions on that chapter.)
Chapter 5
- What is PVC made up of?
- What physical health problems does it cause?
- Why is it considered a threat to homeland security?
- What is DEHP used for? why is it bad?
- Where does Ethylene come from?
- What problems does vinyl chloride cause?
- The author spends some time talking about the events at Formosa,
What were some of the frustrations she faced when trying
to determine the risks involved with the explosion?
- How many train cars full of hazardous materials
travel along US railways?
9.-13.What are her 5 complaints about the “individualized approach”
to dealing with this PVC problem?
THIS Weekend:
Listen to this entire podcast and take notes
AND - RE- Write your white sheet twice :)