Monday, April 26, 2010

Links for studying for the benchmarks or Eoc


Benchmark Wednesday :Use the genetics at Utah link to review problem areas.

Use this link to complete a DNA fingerprinting activity:

Sample MC questions go here: ( look at questions that relate to bioenergetic reactions (part of goal 2 and most of goal 3 (except evolution). click on the zebra

physical science click on this: Go over the questions that relate to goals 5 and 6

answers for MC bio review test

I'll hand out answer sheets in class!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Physical science polymer video link


electron shells:

Field Trip Info.

You may want to share some field trip info. with your parents, so I'm posting it here so you can do that.

* Field trip will be on 5/12/10 to Pisgah national forrest.
*We will leave at 7:00 am and return at 5:00 pm on an activity bus.
*You will have to pack your own lunch.
*We will be doing some walking/hiking so wear suitable shoes (if you aren't sure what is suitable for a walk in the woods, ask me during class).
*Remeber that we are going to the mountains, so just because it is 85 degrees here in Belmont, that doesn't mean it will be warm in the mountains. At the very least you must bring a sweatshirt!
* The trip will cost $30.00
*The $30.00 and the permission slip must be in to me by 5/7/10 or you won't be able to go on the trip.
* It might be buggy in the woods so consider bringing bug spray and a hat!

*******If any student(s) has a behavior problem in class, they will not be attending the field trip, they will remain at school with the substitute.

Guidelines for writing the book!!

OK, so you haven't had window panes for a couple of weeks now and the semester is wrapping up, you should have some time and energy to complete a make-up assignment to improve your grade!

Here are some guide lines for the Book project;
1. It must be 10 pages of content- that means illustrations with full sentences describing what is happening.
2. 2 pages of the 10 are your cover pages. This should be the easy part.
3. The Cover page needs to have your title, an illustration (drawing) , your name and your class on it!
4. The content you are covering in your book should be the same content you are trying to replace a grade for. Ex. If you did poorly on your mitosis test, your book should be about a cell going through mitosis or meiosis.
5. Your content must be represented in a logical way and should not be difficult for even a middle school student to understand. I don't need big scientific words, you may have to use some, but I'd prefer you simplify the process.
6. Label drawings or provide thought bubbles for your characters wherever you see fit. This information is considered Content!!!!
7. Be Creative- Try to create a main character that acts as a narrator and tells the story of protein synthesis, mitosis, meiosis, heredity or whatever topic you are missing!

Hand it in to me by Tuesday!!! 4/27/10

**Don't forget that you can definitely still do documentary write ups for extra credit! 10 points for every 2 hours. USe the Nova site and you can watch the documentaries any time (plus they are condensed so 50 minutes is = to a 2 hour tv documentary!!)

Good luck to everyone- Benchmark is next Tuesday!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Heredity interactive games

Hey- if you'd like some help figuring this stuff out or just need to review, try this site, there are some cute, fast games on it.