Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Biology & Physical science first word list- due Friday

1.Observation- when we notice something about the world around us using any of our senses
2.Inference-making a judgement about a situation or an event based on our previous knowledge and experiences.
3.Experiment- a means by which we can prove or disprove a concept, there are many parts to an experiment, all aspects must be documented and repeatable for it to be valid
4.Variables- things that change in an experiment
5.Independent variable- the piece of the experiment that you control and that you are testing
6.Dependent variable- the thing that you are measuring in the experiment, it's the part that will change as a result of what you did with the other variable.
7.data- the information that you gather from your experiment, it must be orderly and accurate for the experiment to be valid.
8.control group- a group in the experiment that is set up the same way as the group you are testing, only you leave this group alone, this way you will know if the changes in your experiment were a result of your action or just a coincidence.
9.constants- these are the things that you leave the same for all groups in the experiment, all aspects of your experiment must be exactly the same (constant) for each group, otherwise you won't know for sure what caused the changes in your test group. *** you only test one variable at a time.
10. conclusion- after you analyze the data collected from the experiment, you decide whether or not the experiment supported your "hypothesis".