Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First window pane list

Here's your first homework assignment! Due Friday8/27

Go to my blogspot and print off your first list of window panes, bring in your list and show it to me on Friday!

First word list: (only 10 this time, next time there will be more)

1.Observation- when you notice things about the world around you using your senses.

2.Hypothesis- Your opinion of why a certain thing is ocurring, an educated guess based on previous experience.

3. Data- Information you collect when running an experiment.

4. Experiment- an organized, controlled way of testing your hypothesis.

5.variable- something that can change in quantity or quality.

6. Independent variable- something you have control over and alter during an experiment. It's the thing you are testing! ONYL ONE variable can be tested at a time.

7. Dependent variable- the thing being measured in an experiment! It is the variable that changes as a result of you manipulating the independent variable.

8. Constants or Controlled variables- these are the things that have to remain unchanged and stable throughout your experiment. If they are altered at all then your experiment is not valid.

9. control group- the sample in your experiment that is not being exposed to the independent variable. This group lets you know whether the results you obtain from your experiment are from the independent variable or simply the result of something in the environment.

10. test group- the sample in your experiment being exposed to the independent variable. Bigger is Better! You want a test group to be as large as possible to make sure that the results you get are true and not a fluke.

These window panes are due Tuesday 8/31
Test on Scientific method Wednesday 9/1
Honors- First NPR assignment due Friday 9/3