Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What we've been up to this week , TEST next Week on organic compounds, cell transport and Cells

Shelby,We Hope You Are feeling better soon! If you want to do the egg lab at home, just put an egg in vinegar over night ( a raw egg). The next day, pour out the vinegar and put the egg in syrup over night and check out what happened to your egg! Next, clean out the syrup and put the egg in pure water, you'll see a difference in a few hours.

Osmosis and the egg!
Egg in syrup = Egg shrivels, like your lips when you eat salty food!
Tomorrow we'll see what happened over night with the Egg in Water, what's your best guess?

WE covered a lot of information about Organic Compounds:check out this link for a refresher

THis is more detailed information for anyone who may have missed a few days, it's more detailed thatn you need in some parts, but it's better than coming back not knowing what we are talking about.

WE covered cell transport: passive transport = Simple Diffusion, facilitated diffusion and Osmosis
Active transport= is requires energy and moves material against the concentration gradient, like you riding a bike up hill

check out this link for clarification:

We will start  cell types on Friday, go to the virtual cell for help with that!

click on virtual cell tour:

Using a microscope: FYI