Monday, September 14, 2015

Monday September 14th Instructions for Sub and class

2nd period planning

1st and 3rd block, AP Environmental Science:

Someone from 1st block: will you please feed my fish (both tanks)?! 

Image result for image barbs fishNEXT: Make  eco-column observations.

Then: work on your lab write -ups!
You need to write up the soil texture lab (the one where you layered the different soil types and ran dye through them ) and the bulk density lab (not the weathering one though!)

FINISH Math Packet! Remember, no calculators :)!

They are in a folder on my Big desk.

4th block biology class: 
watch this, complete the worksheet that goes with it (it's in a folder with your class roster on the table behind my green chair :)

SKIP the parts I indicated on the sub folder - childbirth scenes