Saturday, September 24, 2016

AP Environmental ScienceTest Tuesday will cover a lot of material-here's a rough idea of what will be on the test

Hey,Remember you can create a mind map to use during the test but there are some rules:
1. You can only use a normal size piece of printer paper  (or notebook paper if that's all you have).
2. You must have a central image and an image for each of the main branches and they should be colored.
3. You can only use one side of the paper.


Here is Hashim's mind map from the podcast if you need an example:

The one you make for the test will probably be a lot more densely packed than this one but his set-up was spot on! If you do a great job on one it could earn you extra credit on your test!

Here's  a topic list of what you may be tested on:

Agriculture-anything from the power point- especially the soil horizons and sustainable agriculture methods
SOIL lab- anything you should have learned from the labs we did
Irrigation- info from the ppt as well as the video clip
Weather-convection, Hadley cells, el nino and la nina and wind patterns
A basic math problem- if you can't remember how to do long division or how to work with decimals wihen multiplying or how to put something in scientific notation then you should write out a sample problem on your mind map.
tectonic plate movement and volcanoes.
"A Fierce Green Fire"- love canal,  environmental racism, creation of the EPA, etc
THE DEAD ZONE- Believe it or not everything you learned about soil, agriculture and irrigation play a role in the formation of the dead zone- It's a prime example of the interconnected nature of all systems and how complicated it can be to manage the biosphere!