Monday, October 7, 2019

APES homework for this week AND the weekend

Monday night


tar sands

Tuesday night:
Deepwater horizon  (10 min)

Keystone XL  (7 minutes)

Wednesday night Chapter 5 (skip chapter 4 if you want) of Raising Elijah
Read and answer the following questions 
(chapter 4 is mostly about agriculture- feel free to read it, it will reinforce what we have been talking about but I won't be asking any additional questions on that chapter.)
Chapter 5
  1. What is PVC made up of?
  2. What physical health problems does it cause?
  3. Why is it considered a threat to homeland security?
  4. What is DEHP used for? why is it bad?
  5. Where does Ethylene come from?
  6. What problems does vinyl chloride cause?
  7. The author spends some time talking about the events at Formosa, 
What were some of the frustrations she faced when trying 
to determine the risks involved with the explosion?
  1. How many train cars full of hazardous materials
 travel along US railways?
9.-13.What are her 5 complaints about the “individualized approach” 
to dealing with this PVC problem?

THIS Weekend:
Listen to this entire podcast and take notes
AND - RE- Write your white sheet twice :)