Friday, November 8, 2019

AP Environmental Science homework for this weekend

Homework for this weekend:

Read chapter 7 and answer the questions associated with the chapter- they are in the attached google doc.  Chapter 7 questions are due on Tuesday.

 Then copy your "assigned" (whichever ones you and your teammates determined) white sheet boxes 2 times each- due Tuesday 
Remember they must be re-written exactly as they were done in class, I have attached pics of the white sheet boxes below for you to double check yours.
If you were out on Friday your boxes are posted below next to your initials:
ZH- Agriculture and weather (el nino box)
CS- Agriculture and weather
ER- population and cycles
DG- population and cycles

Pics of white sheet boxes:

Thursday you will have a 6 box group quiz: Energy  (coal), pollution, agriculture, weather ( el nino, etc), population and cycles

Raising Eilijah questions:  Chapter 7 due Tuesday Nov 12th AND chapter 8 due Friday Nov 15th